

  • Sql


name class grade
张三 数学 81
李四 语文 70
王五 数学 90
张三 语文 60
李四 数学 100
王五 语文 90
王五 英语 81

要求: 用sql语句输出各门功课都大于80分的同学姓名?  

create table students (
  name varchar(25),
  class varchar(25),
  grade int

insert into students values ('张三','语文',20)
insert into students values ('张三','数学',90)
insert into students values ('张三','英语',50)

insert into students values ('李四','语文',81)
insert into students values ('李四','数学',60)
insert into students values ('李四','英语',90)

insert into students values ('王二','数学',81)
insert into students values ('王二','英语',90)

insert into students values ('李五','数学',83)
insert into students values ('李五','英语',90)
insert into students values ('李五','化学',90)

select name from students group by name having min(grade)>80

select distinct Name from students where grade >80 and Name not in (select Name from students where grade <80)

select distinct name from students where name not in (select name from students where grade <=80 group by name )

select name from students group by name having name not in (select name from students where grade<=80)


姓名 科目 成绩
张三 语文 20
张三 数学 30
张三 英语 50
李四 语文 70
李四 数学 60
李四 英语 90
姓名 语文 数学 英语
张三 20 30 50
李四 70 60 90

create table students (
  name varchar(25),
  class varchar(25),
  grade int

insert into students values ('张三','语文',20)
insert into students values ('张三','数学',90)
insert into students values ('张三','英语',50)

insert into students values ('李四','语文',81)
insert into students values ('李四','数学',60)
insert into students values ('李四','英语',90)

select A.Name,A.grade as 语文,B.grade as 数学,C.grade as 英语
from students A,students B,students C
where A.Name=B.Name and B.Name=C.Name
and A.class='语文' and B.class='数学'
and C.class='英语'


create table userinfo
id int,
username varchar(32),
u_id int
create table checkinfo
id int,
checktype varchar(32) --出勤的类型(正常,病假,事假)
u_id int
username 病假(天数) 事假(天数) 病假(天数)
张三 15 5 2

create table userinfo
 id int,
 username varchar(32),
 u_id int
create table checkinfo
 id int,
 checktype varchar(32), --出勤的类型(正常,病假,事假)
 u_id int

delete from userinfo
insert into userinfo values(1,'user1',1)
insert into userinfo values(2,'user2',2)
insert into userinfo values(3,'user3',3)
insert into userinfo values(4,'user4',4)

insert into checkinfo values(1,'正常',1)
insert into checkinfo values(2,'正常',1)
insert into checkinfo values(3,'病假',1)

insert into checkinfo values(4,'正常',2)
insert into checkinfo values(5,'事假',2)
insert into checkinfo values(6,'病假',2)
insert into checkinfo values(7,'正常',2)
insert into checkinfo values(8,'病假',2)

insert into checkinfo values(9,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(10,'事假',3)
insert into checkinfo values(11,'病假',3)
insert into checkinfo values(12,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(13,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(14,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(15,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(16,'病假',3)

insert into checkinfo values(17,'正常',4)
insert into checkinfo values(18,'事假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(19,'病假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(20,'正常',4)
insert into checkinfo values(21,'事假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(22,'病假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(23,'事假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(24,'病假',4)

select b.*,m.正常,m.事假,m.病假
from userinfo b
(select a.u_id,
        count(case when a.checktype='病假' then '1' end ) 病假 ,
        count(case when a.checktype='正常' then '1' end ) 正常 ,
        count(case when a.checktype='事假' then '1' end ) 事假
from checkinfo a group by a.u_id) m
on m.u_id=b.u_id

select b.* ,m1.正常,m2.病假,m3.事假 from userinfo b
left join (select a.u_id, count(a.checktype) 正常 from checkinfo a where a.checktype='正常' group by a.u_id ) m1 on b.u_id=m1.u_id
left join (select a.u_id, count(a.checktype) 病假 from checkinfo a where a.checktype='病假' group by a.u_id ) m2 on b.u_id=m2.u_id
left join (select a.u_id, count(a.checktype) 事假 from checkinfo a where a.checktype='事假' group by a.u_id ) m3 on b.u_id=m3.u_id

产品 颜色 数量
产品1 红色 100
产品1 蓝色 80
产品2 蓝色 103
产品2 红色 NULL
产品2 红色 89
产品1 红色 100


create table products(
 name varchar(20),
 color char(20),
 quantities int

insert into products values('产品1','红色',100)
insert into products values('产品1','蓝色',80)

insert into products values('产品2','红色',null)
insert into products values('产品2','蓝色',103)
insert into products values('产品2','红色',89)

insert into products values('产品1','红色',100)


select name,sum(quantities) from products where color='红色' group by name

select name,sum(quantities) from products where color='蓝色' group by name

select t1.name,t1.x-t2.x as balance
    (select name,sum(quantities) as x from products where color='红色' group by name) t1,
    (select name,sum(quantities) as x from products where color='蓝色' group by name) t2
where t1.x >t2.x and t1.name=t2.name


create table students (
 id int IDENTITY,
 name varchar(20),
 elective_course varchar(20)

insert into students values('student1','course1')
insert into students values('student1','course2')
insert into students values('student1','course3')
insert into students values('student1','course4')
insert into students values('student1','course6')
insert into students values('student1','course6')

insert into students values('student2','course1')
insert into students values('student2','course2')
insert into students values('student2','course3')
insert into students values('student2','course4')
insert into students values('student2','course5')

insert into students values('student3','course1')
insert into students values('student3','course2')
insert into students values('student3','course3')
insert into students values('student3','course4')

insert into students values('student4','course1')
insert into students values('student4','course2')
insert into students values('student4','course3')
insert into students values('student4','course4')
insert into students values('student4','course5')
insert into students values('student4','course6')
insert into students values('student4','course7')

insert into students values('student5','course2')
insert into students values('student5','course3')
insert into students values('student5','course4')
insert into students values('student5','course5')
insert into students values('student5','course6')
insert into students values('student5','course7')
insert into students values('student5','course8')
insert into students values('student5','course9')

insert into students values('student6','course7')
insert into students values('student6','course8')
insert into students values('student6','course9')

 select name from students group by name having count(elective_course)>=5


create table DbTable (
 name varchar(20),
 data varchar(10)

insert into DbTable values ('a1{data}bb','1')
insert into DbTable values ('a2{data}bb','2')
insert into DbTable values ('a3{data}bb','3')
insert into DbTable values ('a4{data}bb','4')
insert into DbTable values ('a5{data}bb','5')

update DbTable set name=replace(name,'{data}',data)
select * from DbTable


create table F3 (
 FID varchar(20),
 FLASS varchar(20),

insert into F3 values ('S_Name1','Class1',67)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name2','Class1',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name3','Class1',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name4','Class1',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name5','Class1',97)

insert into F3 values ('S_Name6','Class2',67)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name7','Class2',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name8','Class2',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name9','Class2',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name10','Class2',97)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name11','Class2',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name112','Class2',97)

insert into F3 values ('S_Name17','Class3',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name18','Class3',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name19','Class3',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name110','Class3',88)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name111','Class3',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1112','Class3',67)

insert into F3 values ('S_Name117','Class4',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name118','Class4',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name119','Class4',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1110','Class4',82)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1111','Class4',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name11112','Class4',67)

insert into F3 values ('S_Name11111','Class5',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name111112','Class5',67)


select F3.FLASS, Max(FSSCORE) from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >=5

select FLASS ,count(*) as Total from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >= 5
select * from F3  where FLASS in (select FLASS from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >= 5 )
select FLASS, Max(FSSCORE) from F3  where FLASS in (select FLASS from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >= 5 ) group by FLASS

select FLASS,max(fsscore) from
select * from F3
where FLASS in (select FLASS from F3 group by FLASS having count(*)>=5)
) T group by FLASS

create table Teachers (
 T_ID int,
 T_NAME varchar(20)

create table Students (
 S_ID int,
 S_NAME varchar(20)

create table Classes (
 T_ID int,
 S_ID int,
 C_NAME varchar(20)

insert into Teachers values(1,'T1')
insert into Teachers values(2,'T2')
insert into Teachers values(3,'T3')
insert into Teachers values(4,'T4')
insert into Teachers values(5,'T5')

insert into Students values(1,'S1')
insert into Students values(2,'S1')
insert into Students values(3,'S1')
insert into Students values(4,'S1')
insert into Students values(5,'S1')
insert into Students values(6,'S1')
insert into Students values(7,'S1')
insert into Students values(8,'S1')
insert into Students values(9,'S1')
insert into Students values(10,'S1')
insert into Students values(11,'S1')
insert into Students values(12,'S1')
insert into Students values(13,'S1')
insert into Students values(14,'S1')
insert into Students values(15,'S1')
insert into Students values(16,'S1')

insert into Classes values(1,1,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,2,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,3,'小班')
insert into Classes values(1,4,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,13,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,14,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,15,'小班')
insert into Classes values(1,16,'大班')

insert into Classes values(2,1,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,2,'小班')
insert into Classes values(2,3,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,4,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,16,'小班')
insert into Classes values(2,15,'小班')
insert into Classes values(2,14,'小班')

insert into Classes values(3,5,'大班')
insert into Classes values(3,6,'小班')
insert into Classes values(3,7,'大班')
insert into Classes values(4,4,'大班')

insert into Classes values(4,5,'大班')
insert into Classes values(4,6,'小班')
insert into Classes values(4,7,'小班')
insert into Classes values(4,8,'小班')

insert into Classes values(5,9,'大班')
insert into Classes values(5,10,'小班')
insert into Classes values(5,11,'小班')
insert into Classes values(5,12,'小班')

select  T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='小班' group by T_ID

select  T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='大班' group by T_ID


select T_NAME
from Teachers t,
     (select  T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='小班' group by T_ID) T1,
     (select  T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='大班' group by T_ID) T2
where T1.x<T2.x
      and T1.T_ID=T2.T_ID and t.T_ID=T1.T_ID
--考察要点:1.分组查询. 2.把查询出来的某些结果作为表来连接查询出相关结果.


前提:a 部门表 b 员工表
id --部门编号
employee- 员工名称

create table departments(
 Name varchar (20),

create table employees(
 ID int,
 Name varchar (20)

insert into departments values ('DeparmentA')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentB')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentC')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentD')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentE')

insert into employees values (1,'Zhang3')
insert into employees values (1,'Zhang4')
insert into employees values (1,'Zhang5')

insert into employees values (2,'Li3')
insert into employees values (2,'Li4')
insert into employees values (2,'Li5')
insert into employees values (2,'Li6')

insert into employees values (3,'Zhao3')
insert into employees values (3,'Zhao4')
insert into employees values (3,'Zhao5')

insert into employees values (4,'Chen4')
insert into employees values (4,'Chen5')

insert into employees values (5,'Zhu4')

select b.id,a.Name,count(b.id)as employeecount from departments a left join employees b on a.id=b.id group by b.id,a.Name
select b.id,a.Name,count(*)as employeecount from departments a left join employees b on a.id=b.id group by b.id,a.Name

select t.id as 'Id', t.name as 'Name',count (*) as 'EmployeeCount'  from (select d.id,d.name from departments as d inner join employees as e on d.id=e.id) t group by t.id,t.name

select a.id,a.Name,count(b.id)as employeecount from departments a left join employees b on a.id=b.id group by a.id,a.Name


编号 名称
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d

drop table B select b.id,b.name from B b

create table B (
  id int IDENTITY,
  name varchar (20)

insert into B values ('a')
insert into B values ('b')
insert into B values ('c')
insert into B values ('d')

--SQL Server:
select a.name+b.name,a.name+c.name,a.name+d.name,b.name+c.name,c.name+d.name from B a, B b,B c,B d where a.id=1 and b.id=2 and c.id=3 and d.id=4

select distinct a.name||b.name||','||a.name||c.name||','||a.name||d.name||','||b.name||c.name||','||c.name||d.name
from B a,B b,B c,B d
where a.number=1 and b.number=2 and c.number=3 and d.number=4

select a.name+b.name from B a,B b
where a.id<b.id group by a.name+b.name



1 楼 xindianshang 2009-12-05  







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